Sunday, June 2, 2013


Arthur was very excited about the new rig and spent a long time honing and perfecting it. His dream was to sail around the world in Boundless. She was his baby and he spent all his energy on preparing for the epic journey. He sailed her with friends in and around East London in preparation for the voyage

Sadly, before this materialised, Arthur suffered a heart attack, from which he never fully recovered. He was never able to sail again and after a time Boundless was taken out of the water and moved to Arthur's home in Gately Street, East London, where she sat for many years. Arthur was looked after by his daughter, Sue who moved in with him until his death in 2011. She inherited the house and Boundless.

 Not having any knowledge or inclination to sail, Sue decided about eighteen months after her father's death, to find a new home for Boundless. She was taking up a lot of space in the garden and Sue wanted to move on. This was easier said than done ...! Nobody wanted a half Western, half Chinese yacht and everyone who came to look at her was trying to calculate the cost of returning her to the original rig configuration. Eventually, in desperation, and without much hope, Sue placed an advert on Gumtree. People sell all sorts of things on Gumtree, don't they? But a yacht.......?

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how circumstances come together. Different narratives meet, at certain junctures in our lives. How wonderful.....
